University Glen for sale housing opportunities include homes that were previously owned, and newly released residences. Please view our array of floor plans, and complete the lending application pre-approval process with your preferences indicated. Once pre-approved you will be added to our priority list subject to specific criteria.

For current availability or questions pertaining to homeownership, please contact the University Glen Sales Office at (805) 437-3281.

Prequalifying to purchase a residence in University Glen includes:

  • Buyers may prequalify for a loan with lenders who have previously financed mortgages in University Glen. A lenders list is available by contacting the Sales office.
  • Sales staff will, by request, calculate a maximum resale price (MRP) for current University Glen homeowners.

Determining priority for residential opportunities

University employees and members of the general public are entered on a priority list for homes based on the following priority system:

  • Category 1: CSU employees commencing service during the summer or fall of 2002 selected by the CSUCI President to be a priority purchaser, or the CSUCI President for the purpose of assigning the Purchase Contract to CSUCI employees who are hired after the sales program commences for service at CSUCI commencing in the summer or fall of 2002.
  • Category 2: Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty and CSUCI Management Level III Personnel or Management Level IV Personnel.
  • Category 3: Full-Time Staff of CSUCI.
  • Category 4: Employees of Educational Allies, Educational Partners, and officers of Military Partners, who are covered by an agreement between such entities and CSUCI.
  • Category 5: Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty and Full-Time Staff of any other CSU campus.
  • Category 6: Graduates from any CSU campus.
  • Category 7: Members of the General Public.

Photos of University Glen:

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