Community Updates

June 2024 Community Update E-Blast

May 2024 Community Update E-Blast

April 2024 Community Update E-Blast

March 2024 Community Update E-Blast

February 2024 Community Updates E-Blast

January 2024 Community Update E-Blast

December 2023 Community Update E-Blast

November 2023 Community Update E- Blast

October 2023 Community Update E- Blast

September 2023 University Glen E-Blast

August 2023 University Glen E-Blast

July 2023 University Glen E-Blast Blast


CAM Fees

For the fiscal year 2024-2025, beginning July 1, 2024, the monthly Maintenance Rent (CAM Fees) will be as follows:

  • Single Family Homes – $313.10
  • Townhomes – $532.77

Per the Ground Sublease, CAM fees are due on the 10th of the month and late fees will be assessed after the 25th of the month.  You will receive your CAM account ledger balance statement by email shortly after the first of the month.  Please make your checks payable to “CSUCI Site Authority” and make sure you include your CAM number on your check to ensure your check is deposited to the correct account.

Method of Payment

Watch for additional information on methods of payment from the new management company.


Homeowner Input 2024

University Glen Town Hall Presentation 2024

University Glen Town Hall Recording Link

University Glen Homeowner Survey 2024

Site Authority Answers to Questions Posed via the Survey

Governing & Financial Documents

University Glen Ground Sublease

Ground Sublease

Monthly Operating Report Summaries

May 2024 Monthly Operating Report Summary

April 2024 Monthly Operating Report Summary

March 2024 Monthly Operating Report Summary

February 2024 Monthly Operating Report Summary

January 2024 Monthly Operating Report Summary

December 2023 Monthly Operating Report Summary 

November 2023 Monthly Operating Report Summary

October 2023 Monthly Operating Report Summary 

September 2023 Monthly Operating Report Summary 

August 2023 Monthly Operating Report Summary

July 2023 Monthly Operating Report Summary

June 2023 Monthly Operating Report Summary

Current Budgets and Reserve Studies

Budget & Reserve Studies 2024-2025

CAM Budget 2024-2025

Budget Comparison Year Over Year

Townhome & Single Family Monthly Fee Allocation 2024-2025

2024-2025 Common Area Reserve Study – Level 3

2024-2025 Single Family Reserve Study – Level 3

2024-2025 Townhome Reserve Study – Level 3


Historic Budgets and Reserve Studies

Budget & Reserve Studies 2023-2024

CAM Budget 2023-2024

University Glen Budget – How it is created and how to read it

Townhome & Single Family Monthly Fee Allocation 2023-2024

2023-2024 Common Area Reserve Study – Level 3

2023-2024 Single Family Reserve Study – Level 3

2023-2024 Townhome Reserve Study – Level 3

Site Authority Response to 2023-2024 Budget

Site Authority Response to Objections to University Glen Proposed 2023-24 Budget

Budget & Reserve Studies 2022-2023

CAM Budget 2022-2023 

2022-2023 Budget Reconciliation

Townhome & Single Family Monthly Fee Allocation 2022-2023

2022-2023 Common Area Reserve Study – Level 3

2022-2023 Single-Family Reserve Study – Level 3

2022-2023 Townhome Reserve Study – Level 3

Budget & Reserve Studies 2021-2022

CAM 2021-2022 Budget

2021-2022 Budget Reconciliation

CAM Budget Allocation 2021-2022

Single Family and Townhome CAM Fee Allocation 2021- 2022

Budget & Reserve Studies 2020-2021

CAM Budget 2020-2021

2020-2021 Budget Reconciliation

2020-2021 Common Area Reserve Study – Level 3

2020-2021 Single-Family Reserve Study – Level 3

2020-2021 Townhouse Reserve Study – Level 3

Budget & Reserve Studies 2019-2020

CAM Budget 2019-2020

2019-2020 Budget Reconciliation

2019-2020 Common Area Reserve Study – Level 1

2019-2020 Single-Family Home Reserve Study – Level 1

2019-2020 Townhouse Reserve Study – Level 1

Budget 2018-2019

In preparing the CAM budget for fiscal year 2019-2020, UGCAM was authorized to work with Complex Solutions to develop Reserve Studies for University Glen Common Areas, Single-Family Homes, Townhouses.

CAM Budget 2018-2019

Budget 2017-2018

CAM Budget 2017-2018


Your property taxes will equal approximately 2% of the value of your home. Half of this amount (or 1% of your home’s value) is paid on the same basis as all other property in the county. This portion of the taxes can be increased by the County Tax Assessor by up to two percent (2%) every year. The other portion of your property tax payment is a special tax against all homes in the original University Glen development to cover the cost of the infrastructure that supports the community. This special tax has been calculated to cover the life of the bonds and will increase two percent (2%) every year. Please consult with a tax professional for further information and clarification regarding property taxes.

Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Maximum and Actual Special Tax Rates

Closed Escrows by Land Use Category

Special Tax Background October 2022

University Glen Insurance Coverages

Below are the insurance coverages for Common Area and Townhouses in University Glen.

CSUCI Property Program Insurance Summary

Townhouse — 2023-24 Evidence of Property Insurance 

Townhouse — Proof of Insurance Earthquake

Townhouse — Earthquake Insurance Binder

To secure a Certificate of Insurance for your specific address, please contact Van Rin with Alliant Services at 

Alliant Insurance Zoom Town Hall 

Comparison of HO-3 & HO-6 Coverage (includes Ground Sublease citations)


Forms & Applications: 

Parking Registration Application

If you are new to University Glen or updating your vehicle information, complete our Parking Registration Application form. After completion, print the form out and bring it by the office. If the replacement parking pass has been lost there is a $25.00 fee per replacement. For additional information please call the CAM office 805-702-4038.

Property Improvement Application & CSUCI Permits

If you are planning on changing anything interior please find the proper forms to have these home improvements approved by the Site Authority.

Property Improvement Application

CSUCI Facility Services Building Permit Application

Permit Fee Calculator

Permit Application for Special Event or Activity in University Glen

The following is the link to the Permit Application for any special event or activity in University Glen.

CSUCI Application for Permit for Special Event or Activity

Real Estate Trust Template

Real Estate Trust Template Word Document

Evacuation and Firewise USA Presentation

Evacuation and Firewise USA Presentation Zoom Recording

CSUCI Police and CERT Presentation

VRFSC Firewise USA Presentation

2023-2024 CAM Reserves/Fees Presentation 

CAM Reserves/ Fees Report

May 15, 2024 Board Meeting Video Recording

Water Rate Study Report

Water Rate Study Final Report

Water Rate Study Questions & Answers Report

Water Rate Presentation

Solar Townhome Policy

Townhome Solar Policy

Non-Owner Occupant

For those UG owners that have non-family occupants sharing their home per the Ground Sublease please provide the non-family occupants information to the UGCAM office via the following form:                        

UG Non-Owner Occupant Form



Weekly Landscape Schedule




Landscape: Irrigation Clock Maps & Watering Schedule

University Glen Irrigation Clock Maps

University Glen Irrigation System Watering Schedule

Annual Brush Clearance Completion Documentation

The following is the verification of completion of the Annual Brush Clearance project as mandated by the Ventura County Fire Department.

2023-2024 Annual Brush Clearance Completion Documentation

Landscape Products Used in Common Areas

Fertilizer – One Shot (manufactured by Best)

Herbicide – Lifeline (manufactured by United Phosphorus Inc.)


Playground Replacement Project

The new playground, designed and built by Play and Park Structures, officially opened April 18, 2022! Thank you to all those who worked to bring this project to fruition!

Landscape Refurbishing Project 

(Revised April 2022)

The intention of the Common Area Landscape Refurbishing Project is to remove old, tired and dead plant material (Lantana, Bougainvillea, Flax) and replace the planter areas with a unified plant palette.   The irrigation system will be adapted at each planter to serve the configuration of the newly placed plant material.  No mulch will be used going forward per Ventura County Fire Department Standard 517. UGCAM is working to complete Phase 2 & 3 of the Landscape Refurbishment Project and to be in compliance with new Defensible Space fire regulations by January 1, 2024.

PHASE 1 – COST ANALYSIS                                                                                       


This spreadsheet begins with the Common Area Budget Allocation of $500,00.00, lists the various Common Areas to be addressed by this project; round-a-bouts (4), pools (2), and spas(2), Town Center. The resulting figure was distributed equally over the total 672-doors.  A project management fee is included in the calculation for Brightview Landscape Services and a 5% contingency.  The resulting per door calculation is $569.94 per door.  

Calculation of Per Door Allocation

PHASE 1 has a total of 207-doors (this includes townhouse, single family homes, and apartment).   There is a credit shown of up to $569.94 for each townhouse and single family homes which has had their landscaping updated during the fiscal year 2020-2021.  See the following spreadsheet showing the credit included.

Phase 1 Addresses Completed in 2020-2021 $4,397.99 CREDIT


PHASE 2 & PHASE 3: Plant Palette (Defensible Space)



Vacation Home Check – CSUCI Police Department 

If you are going on vacation or plan to be away from home for an extended period of time, the CSUCI Police Department will check on your residence via their Vacation Check Program. 

CSUCI Police Department Vacation Home Check Form

Note that enlisting the Police Department to keep an eye out for suspicious activity while you are away from home does not guarantee against theft, damage, or mischief, but it can be used as another tool in protecting your property.